This Section: Building a City
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The construction of the three pulp mills in the 1960s didn’t happen in isolation, but the mills changed the economy and the city forever. As the population boomed, the city prospered. With all of the new jobs that the mills created came the need for new schools, places to live, medical facilities, stores, roads and other services.

City services and surrounding area roads, bridges and scenes (1947 - 1955) -
From hospitals to highways, services are key to making a city livable. Plus, a look at the resource-rich natural area that surrounds Prince George. Images from 1947 - 1955.
City services and surrounding area roads, bridges and scenes (1956 - 1965) -
From hospitals to highways, services are key to making a city livable. Plus, a look at the resource-rich natural area that surrounds Prince George. Images from 1956 - 1965.
City services and surrounding area roads, bridges and scenes (1966 - 1972) -
From hospitals to highways, services are key to making a city livable. Plus, a look at the resource-rich natural area that surrounds Prince George. Images from 1966 - 1972.
Intercontinental Pulp Mill -
A look at Intercontinental Pulp in Prince George, from construction to production.
New businesses and buildings (1947-1955) -
During the boom, the cityscape underwent dramatic changes. These images of Prince George's transformation span from 1947 - 1955.
New businesses and buildings (1956-1965) -
During the boom, the cityscape underwent dramatic changes. These images of Prince George's transformation span from 1956 - 1965.
New businesses and buildings (1966-1972) -
During the boom, the cityscape underwent dramatic changes. These images of Prince George's transformation span from 1966 - 1972.
New sawmills -
Prince George’s sawmills went from producing thousands of board feet of lumber to producing millions, then later on to producing more than 100 million board feet each year.
Northwood Pulp Mill -
A look at Northwood Pulp and Timber, from its ground-breaking to construction, and later to operation in full swing.
Prince George Pulp -
The construction of three pulp mills in the late 1960s changed Prince George and its economy forever. Prince George Pulp and Paper was the first to be completed.
Milltown to Downtown: Prince George 1947-1972
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©2002 The Exploration Place at the Fraser Fort-George Regional Museum