This Section: Good Times in Prince George
Choose a theme to explore: Select the topic that you wish to browse; some topics have been divided into three eras to make it easier to find what you're looking for.


Residents created their own fun in and around Prince George. They took part in a broad array of spare-time activities and supported more than 200 clubs and other organizations. Residents of Prince George developed a way of life that was unique to their booming city—constructing a giant wooden symbol for the city, crowning their own queen, and coming up with new reasons to celebrate.

Aurora, Queen of the Evergreens -
No other pageant received the attention, contestants, or media coverage of the well-loved Queen Aurora contest.
Community Groups (1947 - 1955) -
A look at Prince George's volunteer-run organizations, from 1947 - 1955.
Community Groups (1956 - 1965) -
A look at Prince George's volunteer-run organizations, from 1956 - 1965.
Community Groups (1966 - 1972) -
A look at Prince George's volunteer-run organizations, from 1966 - 1972.
Entertainment (1947 - 1955) -
One of the things that gave life in Prince George a special flavor was a unique approach to entertainment. Images from 1947 - 1955.
Entertainment (1956 - 1965) -
One of the things that gave life in Prince George a special flavor was a unique approach to entertainment. Images from 1956 - 1965.
Entertainment (1966 - 1972) -
One of the things that gave life in Prince George a special flavor was a unique approach to entertainment. Images from 1966 - 1972.
Special Events (1947 - 1955) -
Events that leave a lasting impression on the people involved, from 1947 - 1955.
Special Events (1956 - 1965) -
Events that leave a lasting impression on the people involved, from 1956 - 1965.
Special Events (1966 - 1972) -
Events that leave a lasting impression on the people involved, from 1966 - 1972.
Sports (1947-1955) -
A look at some local sporting activities, from 1947 - 1955.
Sports (1956 - 1965) -
A look at some local sporting activities, from 1956 - 1965.
Sports (1966 - 1972) -
A look at some local sporting activities, from 1966 - 1972.
The city's unique mascot, Mr. P.G. -
Prince George’s official mascot and a local landmark since around 1960.
The Prince George Lifestyle (1947 - 1955) -
A look at the things people did on their own time—from snow shoveling to family picnics. Images from 1947 - 1955.
The Prince George Lifestyle (1956 - 1965) -
A look at the things people did on their own time—from snow shoveling to family picnics. Images from 1956 - 1965.
The Prince George Lifestyle (1966 - 1972) -
A look at the things people did on their own time—from snow shoveling to family picnics. Images from 1966 - 1972.
Milltown to Downtown: Prince George 1947-1972
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©2002 The Exploration Place at the Fraser Fort-George Regional Museum